About Kokoda Historical
Welcome to Kokoda Historical, my name is David Howell and along with Ben Jons from Kokoda, we operate Kokoda Historical. History and in particular Australian Military History, is a passion of mine along with the great outdoors.
I look forward to sharing in a great adventure with you to one of the many PNG destinations that Kokoda Historical has on offer. Perhaps your next adventure is taking on the Kokoda Track, Shaggy Ridge, Black Cat Tack or visiting the First & Second World War battlefields of Rabaul along with the many other destinations we have on offer. Either way you will be visiting one of the most pristine and beautiful places on our planet, Papua New Guinea.
We specialise in small-size historical tours to the First and Second World War battlefields and places of cultural significance in PNG.
We have been conducting guided tours across the Kokoda Track/ Kokoda Trail, Black Cat Track, Shaggy Ridge, Lark Force Track (Rabaul-Tol Plantation), Milne Bay, Aitape -Wewak to name a few, since 2005 and have enjoyed many successful treks and tours. Don't just take our word for it – read testimonials from our satisfied customers in the Client Testimonials section.
In more recent times we have undertaken many unique and one-off special treks and tours. We have a great passion for the shared and proud history of Australia & PNG.
Kokoda Historical provides a complete living history experience; we focus not only on the exciting adventure of treks/tours themselves, but also on the historical events. We offer a wide range of competitively priced tour packages and safety is our number one priority.
We combine local knowledge with meticulous research carried out by some of the industry’s top guides and historians, to make your pilgrimage unique and special. Our tour groups are always small (average size is 8-10) enabling us to give that personal touch to all our clients. If you contact Kokoda Historical then you are speaking to the owners David or Peter directly.
In 2007, we had the honour of being the very first company to take a group of young Aboriginal students across the Kokoda Track in a symbolic gesture acknowledging the importance and much overlooked role Indigenous Australians played during the Second World War. This initiative was part of the Kokoda Dreaming project and this trek featured on the ABC show, Message Stick.
In 2008, we started conducting the annual Harold Bould Memorial Tour, an initiative of the 39th Battalion Association. The Association organises an annual competition inviting students from across the Cardinia Shire in Victoria to submit an essay outlining what Kokoda means to Australians. In 2010, Kokoda Historical successfully merged with the renowned Komplete Kokoda. The company was run by Soc Kienzle - the son of famous Captain Bert Kienzle who was himself involved in the Kokoda campaign. Soc has since retired from full time trekking however, he passed on many of his father's stories to David Howell, while the two of them were on location at the various points of interest in and around Kokoda. To learn more about the Harry Bould Award click here!
In 2012, the 70th anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign, Kokoda Historical were approved by the Australian Defence Force as a supplier for Adventure Training. In the same year we took the 39th Personnel Support Battalion over the Kokoda Track. This current Australian Army Unit (now 39th Operational Support Battalion) walked in the footsteps of those who served in the now famous militia unit, the 39 Australian Infantry Battalion.
In 2014, we led an expedition to Rabaul which located the site of the German Wireless Station. On 11 September 2014, on the centenary of the action at Bita Paka, we took many of the descendants to Rabaul including Simon Pockley the great-nephew of Captain Pockley, the first Australian soldier lost in the Great War.
In 2015, for the centenary of Anzac we lead a group of soldiers from contemporary conflicts over the Kokoda Track. The project was supported by Soldier On and brought attention to those in our community suffering from PTSD. Among the participants was Senator Jacqui Lambie, veterans Michael Lyddiard & Mathew Peppi. Listen to Veterans discuss struggles with PTSD on their commemorative Kokoda trek here!
In 2017, the 75th anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign, we were involved with brining Havala Laula, the last known Fuzzy Wuzzy Angel on the Kokoda Track to Australia. We also ran a special trip recreating the first crossing of Kokoda by B Company 39 Australian Infantry Battalion which was led by Captain Sam Templeton. We also had the honour of taking the cousin of the Governor General, His Excellency Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), Mrs Madeline Huxtable, to visit the last resting place of her father, Flight Sargent Bill Cosgrave. Sir Peter and Madeline attended the Anzac Day commemorations at Bomana.
In 2022, David from Kokoda Historical, was one of two Australian trek leaders to open up the Kokoda trekking season after two years of Covid19. 2022 also marked the 80th Anniversary of Kokoda and the campaigns fought in Papua during 1942. To mark this occasion, we created a Kokoda Exhibition in Melbourne, that was also the backdrop for the combined Associations Anniversary Dinner. Kokoda Historical was instrumental in the planning of this event and Dr Brendan Nelson was the guest speaker. The dinner was attended by many descendants and representatives of the ADF including the Commanding Officer (CO) of 39 Operational Support Battalion, a unit that holds battle honours of the original 39th Battalion that fought at Kokoda. David Howell was also made a Life Member of the 39th Battalion Association.
In 2024, we had the honour of leading both the PNG (Hon. James Marape MP) and Australian Prime Ministers (Hon. Anthony Albanese MP) from Kokoda to Isurava. This coincided with the release of Kokoda Legend-the Story of Captain Sam Templeton by David Howell.
We look forwarded to taking you on your next adventure.
