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Service History
Kokoda Historical can compile for you a highly detailed history report on the individual service of an Australian UK, NZ, South Africa, Canada and Ireland serviceman or women.
You may have some documents at home or recall a story that your grandfather/father or great uncle told you. What is behind the family folklore?
Why not let us give a detailed service history of your ancestors or person of interest. We already have a large library specialising in both First & Second World War history including rare regimental and battalion histories. This service it is not limited to only male service records we have undertaken many service records for members of the VAD, AWAS, WAAF etc.
We offer this service complementary for each of our clients booked on any of our tours or if you are not booked on our tours we charge $50 including GST*.
Your service history will be carried out by historian David Howell and will be delivered to you in a presentation folder. We can also provide you with replica medals, colour patches and with our framing partner, design a unique tribute to your relative.
*$100 includes our research fee and a fully annotated service history. If other expenses are incurred such as digitising service records from the NAA this will be charge at cost and discussed prior to carrying out the research.