Squadron Leader Peter St George Bruce Turnbull DFC
He was called “The Flying Cowboy” and was known for his “magnificent fighting spirit and great skill” during the Second World War, but to his family, Squadron Leader Peter Turnbull was the much loved son and brother who gave his all for his country during the fighting at Milne Bay 76 years ago.
The commander of No 76 Squadron, RAAF, Turnbull was just 25 years old when his Kittyhawk crashed in the jungle while on a mission to spot and attack enemy tanks that had been causing heavy casualties on the ground. He was killed instantly, but his remarkable courage and skill were never forgotten.
His great-niece Alison Turnbull grew up hearing about his story, and was one of the many family members who attended a Last Post Ceremony commemorating his life at the Australian War Memorial last year to mark the 75th anniversary of the battle of Milne Bay.
Peter Turnbull was born in Armidale, in the New England region of New South Wales, on 9 February 1917 and was raised on the family property near Glen Innes. The Turnbulls were well-known graziers in the region, and life on the land suited Peter.
“When Peter was eight, the circus came to Glen Innes,” Alison said. “The circus owners challenged anyone to ride a donkey they had brought with them. If they could ride the donkey then they would be given 2 shillings.”
Many tried and failed as the donkey kicked out its hind legs, preventing anyone from mounting it. Undeterred, Peter decided to have a go. “Whilst he didn’t ride the donkey he did provide entertainment,” Alison said. “Peter would run around the donkey so he was always at its head. The donkey chased Peter and Peter played up to the crowd. The owner of the circus loved it so much that he paid Peter 4 shillings.”

It was typical of the fun-loving Peter, who grew up to be a top horse-rider and held the Australian championship for bullock-riding and bulldogging, a rodeo event in which a steer is wrestled to the ground.
“Peter by all accounts was outgoing and confident,” Alison said. “He was always willing to give something a go, especially if it involved horses. He tried his hand at rodeo riding and was known to dive from a height into the local swimming hole. Peter loved ballroom dancing as well as tap dancing and later, during his time with 3 Squadron, he was well known for his dancing on tables in the nightclubs of Cairo. He did have a role in a locally produced musical in Glen Innes in 1935. He was a favourite among the ladies, but he didn’t appear to have any long relationships.”
Peter was working as an electrician in Glen Innes and serving as a trooper in the 12/24 Light Horse Regiment of the Militia when he enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force in January 1939. He was undergoing pilot training at Point Cook in Victoria when the Second World War broke out in September. He was soon posted to No. 3 Squadron, a fighter squadron that specialised in cooperation with ground units.
In July 1940, the squadron marched out from Richmond to the tune of Roll out the Barrel before embarking for the Middle East and North Africa. It was in Egypt that the squadron was equipped with Gloster Gladiator aircraft and Peter first made a name for himself as a top fighter pilot.
“Four of us had been chosen to go to the Western Desert to brush up the dive bombing,” he wrote in a letter home on 15 December. “And believe me we got stuck into it properly ... We had some fun but it was all for a good cause. These [aircraft] were fairly old and slow but they did their job which is the main thing. They took us out often and brought us home each time, so we can’t grumble.
“On one raid, I was flying down a road, machine-gunning troops and then dive bombing them, when the old engine cut and there I was [at] about 20 feet with the old engine only going enough to keep me off the ground, and after going about ten miles the engine picked up and boy, did I head for home. Another time coming home from a raid I flew down low below the level of an escarpment and blow me down if there wasn’t an [Italian] camp on top, and boy did they pelt the ac/ac [anti-aircraft gun] at me. I was up and down like a mad monkey but luckily or good management they didn’t get very close to me.
“The general saying amongst us now is ‘if anyone wants to know how to dodge ac/ac see Pete Turnbull’ as five others were watching me, laughing their heads off, thought it was a great joke and now when I look back I really think it was pretty exciting myself.”

Just before Christmas, Peter was part of a formation of eight Gladiators escorting a Lysander aircraft that was observing an artillery bombardment of Bardia, Libya, when the Gladiators took on two flights of five enemy S79 bombers which were escorted by nine Italian Fiat CR42 fighters and a second formation of 24 CR42s. “I gave three a hiding and am almost sure one went in,” he wrote in his combat report. “But the fight was localised so it was hard to say, for sure, who the two belonged to. However, it’s gone down as a probable to me.”
Under the special comments, he wrote simply: “Father Xmas bring me a Hurricane.”
“The CO did not rub [it] out,” Peter wrote in a letter home. “Thus it went … onto HQ in Cairo and I believe it broke all the big shots up. Two days later, the AOC visited an aerodrome about 10 miles [away], and then came over here to meet me but I was back getting this new kite and missed him. The boys said he thought it a wonderful joke and said he’d see what he could do about it, laughed til tears came.”
In early 1941, the much longed-for Hurricanes finally arrived, and on 3 April, Peter shot down four Messerschmitt Bf110s during a single sortie, soon earning his nickname, The Flying Cowboy.
“When Peter was in Gambut [in Libya], he found himself a little donkey which he rode,” Alison said. “This resulted in him being nicknamed ‘Cowboy’, which later became The Flying Cowboy.”
It was a name that suited Peter well. “[Back home in Australia], his camp draft horse was named Ortogo and could race him alongside a breakaway steer ready for the jump,” Alison said. “In the desert, the [Italian] Capronis got away, but after the Hurricanes arrived, Peter called his Ortogo, knowing the Hurricane, being 10 mph faster, would keep him alongside the Capronis.”

Not long afterwards, No 3 Squadron moved to Palestine and was reequipped with P-40 Tomahawks and Peter earned another nick name – Tomahawk Pete.
He served with great distinction through the Syrian Campaign of June and July 1941, and in October 1941 he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions. “This Officer has carried out 116 Operational sorties involving 200 hours of flying,” the citation read. “One day in April of 1941 his formation engaged 16 enemy aircraft which were attacking our troops. [Flying Officer] Turnbull personally destroyed three Messerschmitts in the combat. He has destroyed 8 enemy aircraft in the air and inflicted considerable damage to aircraft on the ground, as well as [to] mechanical transports and troops. Throughout [he] has shown magnificent fighting spirit and great skill.”

When Peter returned to Australia in December that year, he was greeted with much fanfare by the Mayor of Glenn Innes and about 150 townsfolk who wanted to wish him well and welcome him home.
“I’m not much good at making speeches,” he told a civic reception at the local town hall. “I’m better at drilling men I guess ... The Squadron I have been with is entirely manned by Australian personnel, it has made a name for itself, and the credit is due not only to the pilots but the ground crew as well … Just because I got the DFC it does not mean I won it myself. The whole squadron helped … We must have every man available, and the more the better and the quicker it will be over. The lads over there are a grand bunch of boys and are doing a grand job. I have been away 18 months. It has been a great experience, and I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. I am sure all the returned men here know how I feel – what it’s like to get home after a real go, a real ding-dong fight.”
Later that month, Peter’s sister Deidre was spotted wearing a beautiful pure silk gown at the local Race Ball, thanks to her brother’s efforts overseas. “She was a true Paris model,” Alison said. “The dress was made from a parachute from a Vichy French aeroplane, recovered by Peter after an air action during the Libyan campaign.”

In March 1942, Peter joined 75 Squadron in New Guinea under Squadron Leader "Old John" Jackson, another veteran and ace from 3 Squadron in the Middle East. Equipped with P-40 Kittyhawks, 75 Squadron quickly became engaged in the defence of Port Moresby, one of the crucial early battles in the New Guinea campaign. Shortly after, Turnbull was appointed commanding officer of 76 Squadron and promoted to squadron leader.
In a letter home to his mother in June 1942 he wrote: “The squadron was half formed and in a hell of a mess and no foolin’ it’s taken some hard work, long hours and a hell of a lot of worry to straighten up. But I’ve succeeded, and the powers which be seem to be quite pleased – haven’t got any kicks in the pants up to date. I’ve a hell of a good team of boys. Blue Truscott and several others, one with a DFC are amongst them, so you can see it’s pretty strong and naturally the lads – experienced! Am very proud to be in it and of course everybody wanting to join it. No foolin’ Mother, I’ve learnt in my travels a little about my job, and this [is] one outfit which is not going to be fooled about. I’m getting everything I’m asking for – not moving without it. When we do, it’ll be the best that ever left this country in every respect, so a lot is expected of us.”

Equipped with P-40 Kittyhawks, the squadron was sent to Papua at the end of July to help defend Milne Bay. Following the landing by Japanese marines at Milne Bay on 25 August, the RAAF Kittyhawks of 75 and 76 Squadrons played a crucial role, destroying Japanese landing barges and stores; flying at tree top level they strafed enemy positions and supressed enemy movement.
Two days later, Peter was on a mission with Flight Lieutenant Ron Kerville to spot and attack two Japanese tanks that had been causing heavy casualties on the ground at Milne Bay. It was then that disaster struck.
“It was just about dusk when we took off together to attack a Japanese tank located on the roadway right on the shore of Milne Bay,” Kerville later wrote in a letter to Peter’s mother. “Peter was in good spirits as we talked over the method of attack and as we flew out to locate the target he told me exactly what to do if my engine failed — ‘hop out old boy and swim for it.’
“He was really happy to be flying again after a few days on the ground. He told me to keep top cover – watch his attack and then follow him in. As I did so, I saw his aircraft dive from about 600 feet and from about 500 yards out to sea.
“His guns opened fire in a long burst – tracer could be seen flying in all directions from the tank and I could not tell whether it was return fire or Peter’s own fire. He carried the dive very low and his aircraft, during the recovery, turned over – hit the trees and disappeared into the dense undergrowth.
“I called up on the radio in the hope that perhaps he was not badly hurt – but fortunately he was killed instantly, for which we were all thankful as the target was 400 yards inside enemy territory. The thought of him being in Japanese hands at that stage of the struggle was not a pleasant one. Although he has passed on, I assure you Peter’s spirit still lives in the squadron of which he was so proud – we will never forget him.”
Eight days later a patrol from the 2/12th battalion found the plane near Kabi Mission and recovered his body from the wreckage. He was buried in a temporary cemetery at Milne Bay, marked by a wooden cross, and was later re-interred at the larger Bomana War Cemetery in Port Moresby.
Such was the regard in which he was held among pilots and troops on the ground, the official historian later wrote: “Soldiers much admired and appreciated the work of the two RAAF squadrons and, for them, the gallant Turnbull had epitomised the courage and skill of all the airmen.”
Australia’s defeat of the Japanese at Milne Bay owed much to the RAAF and men like Peter; their Kittyhawks sank enemy landing craft and shipping, destroyed stockpiles of supplies, and suppressed enemy troop movements. Such was the importance of 75 and 76 Squadron that Major General Cyril Clowes specifically praised the RAAF’s “untiring and courageous work which has earned the admiration of all”. The Commander of New Guinea Force, Lieutenant General Sydney Rowell, noted that the actions of the two RAAF fighter squadrons were the battle’s “decisive factor”.
After Peter’s death, Milne Bay’s No 3 strip was renamed Turnbull Field in his honour. It marked the furthest westward advance of the Japanese in the area, and was a lasting reminder of his remarkable courage and bravery.
“During all operations in this area, [Peter’s] leadership judgement and organising ability have been an inspiration,” Kerville later wrote in his diary at Milne Bay. “Never still, he provided a wonderful example to all.”
Official war artist William Dargie inscribed “Peter’s Revenge” on one of the planes in his painting RAAF Kittyhawk Squadron at Milne Bay, August–September 1942 as his own personal tribute to the much-loved squadron leader.
Back home, Peter’s parents were devastated by his death, but were somewhat comforted by the letters they received from his friends and colleagues. In a letter to Peter’s mother, Leading Aircraftsman Doug Cox said Peter’s deeds “stirred everyone … he just ceased being an officer and became our hero and real friend.” He enclosed a poem that included these lines: “But pilots say when the dusk is grey / And the sunset fires grow dim / That Turnbull flies in those cloudy skies / And angels smile on him.”
His friend and fellow pilot, Alan Rawlinson, wrote simply: "He was one of the most outstanding pilots and personalities of the original 3 Squadron and was well known throughout the Middle East... His name was legend on the Northern fronts... It was with deep regret and bitterness that we learnt of ... Pete's death in action... His manner and sense of duty were an inspiration to all... Australia has lost one of its finest men."
Written by Claire Hunter

Milne Bay