First across the Track!
Anzac Day 2022 saw the return of trekking across the Kokoda Track. Kokoda Historical were very pleased to be the first group and one of only three groups to make the journey in this, the 80th
anniversary year of the campaign.
Things were off to a bumpy start, when the people of Kovello Village blocked the track just 45 minutes walk heading south out of Kokoda. The people of Kovello were upset that their Ward payments had not come through from their local elected politicians. Our group was delayed in Kokoda for 48 hours due to the blockade. After being joined by a fellow member group of the Kokoda Track Operators Association (KTOA), Australian Kokoda Tours, negotiations took place. The same people at Kovello had highlighted the issue back in March 2022 when both David Howell from Kokoda Historical and Mick O’Malley from Australian Kokoda Tours conducted a goodwill trek. You can read more about this trek here.

Despite fake media reports from one Australian operator, no treks were operating illegally in PNG nor was the blockade anyway connected to an issue with Australian trekking or PNG trekking companies. The blockade was peaceful and was resolved by representatives of both local and Port Moresby based officials. Hopefully future local government payments will be received by the people from Kovello and trekking can continue unhindered.
For the record Kokoda Historical engaged and used PNGLET a registered PNG trekking operator which is in partnership with Kokoda Historical. All of our trekkers were lawfully issued with a trekking permit by the Kokoda Track Authority (KTA).

Our Trek Permit for Anzac Day
As the group passed form village to village, it was evident that bonds forged in wartime between Australia and PNG still existed. Most people on both sides came together to rebuild and recover from the COVID pandemic which has devastated the tourism industry in PNG. This has impacted the livelihoods of all local people living along the Kokoda corridor.

Although our group lost two days owing to the delay at Kovello, they made up time, reaching Alola on the third day and catching up to their normal schedule at Brigade Hill (just over the half-way mark). A special mention in dispatches must go out to the Kokoda Initiative and the team of KTA Rangers who worked so hard and diligently to make sure that new bridges were built and areas which were previously unsafe, were repaired in time for the Anzac day period.
We are also very proud that our goodwill trek earlier in the year, provided valuable information that was used in the decision-making process as to where bridges and track maintenance needed to be carried out. Again, despite the claims by one lone operator, personal travel insurance was issued to every trekker, aero-medical evacuation was on hand should anyone have required assistance and the Kokoda Track was shipshape in time for Anzac Day.

On the march-Kokoda Trek 2022
All the local guides (23 in total) and trekkers in our group, put in a sterling effort to achieve the finish line on 24 April. We are very proud to say our group was the first to walk through the archway at Owers' Corner followed closely by two other member groups of the KTOA. It just shows how everyone in the industry benefits when we all work together for the greater good.

New Bridge over the Swamp
New Bridge built by Kokoda Initiative in time for Anzac Day
On behalf of Kokoda Historical, we would like to thank everyone that helped make this trip a success. Including Chris Suma, Kila Jons and Greg Mercer.
We were very proud to have represented both the 39th and 55th/53rd Battalion Associations at the Bomana Anzac Day Dawn Service. Especially important for our non-trekking guide, Bruce McClean the great-nephew of LT Doug McClean MC.

Bomana Dawn Service April 2022
Bomana Dawn Service Anzac Day 2022