I am 70 and despite people telling me I was too old to walk Kokoda (people who had not walked Kokoda) I did it no problems at all. I am from Israel originally where I was a soldier and made Australia my home many years ago. I wanted to walk in the footsteps of Australian soldiers to see what they went through. The whole experience was one of the most fantastic things I have done in my whole life.
My porter Geddy was fantastic and was always there to help me across a river or over a boulder, put my tent up at night and be there bright an early in the morning. To have the extra experience I went to Lake Myola and when I finished went to Sanananda to enjoy the beach the village and to fish. The rivers the rainforest and the history were beautiful and made even more so by the people we met along the Track.
If someone tells you that you can't do Kokoda then first ask them if they have walked the Track! I did it and so can you.
Eddy Tusia - July, 2014

Goldie River