Just wanted to thank and to congratulate Kokoda Historical on the fantastic trip that I had! The organisation was exceptional and our tour guide Gary was superb! His knowledge and passion for the history of track meant that I didn't just leave having walked the track, but left with huge appreciation and awe of those who trekked before in such harsh and treacherous conditions. You know you have a good tour guide on your hands when other tour groups stop to listen in on the background and significance of certain parts of the track!
Our group was also fantastic. Being a part of such a small and cohesive unit meant that we were able to bond more closely then we would have been able to had the group been larger. Although Michael was the only one not from ADFA who was in our group, the humour and common appreciation that we shared meant that we gelled quickly!
Finally I'd like to thank the Legends! Those young men are fantastic and are a testament to those who walked the track before them. The passion they showed for their job made it that much more enjoyable.
